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In Loving Memory of Lady

When I was little, I dreamed of having my very own dog. I imagined a cocker spaniel, and planned to name her Lady, after my favorite movie, Lady and the Tramp. A few years after college, that’s exactly what I did—and what a gift she was.

From the very first moment I saw her, I knew she was meant to be mine. As the runt of the litter, Lady was tiny—oh so cute! She was so small that I would carry her around in my robe pocket, and she became the ultimate snuggle buddy. Summer was her favorite season, and sitting on my lap by the fire brought her so much joy. She loved car rides too, especially with her head out the window, feeling the wind in her fur. During the winter months, she was always up for playing dress-up, rocking the cutest doggie sweaters daily.

Lady had the most adorable little tail, always wagging with excitement whenever we came home. She was the queen of selfies and photoshoots with me. No one could deny how cute she was—so cute that she always got what she wanted with just one look. It was impossible to say no to her!

In her younger years, Lady enjoyed long walks with her brother, Dude, a golden retriever. Together, they were inseparable. I like to think she’s running free with him in heaven now, just as she did in the fields they loved. Lady loved being outside sniffing all around and had the cutest run- almost like a bunny! As she grew older, Lady took comfort in the simple things: napping in the sun and enjoying homemade meals from a real dinner plate, not just a dog bowl. Yes, she was a little spoiled, but she deserved every bit of it.

Lady was the one who made us a family and was our first girl. She was there for all of life’s big moments, offering her unwavering love and companionship. She adored every human and animal she met, but we all knew she loved me the most. Her favorite place in the world was right next to me, and she was my shadow for nearly 17 years. In her eyes, her only job was to know where I was at all times and make sure I was happy. Lady wasn’t just a pet—she was my best friend, my dream come true.

I don’t know if I will ever love another dog the way I loved my Lady girl. The hole she leaves in my heart is immense, and I will miss her forever. But I am so grateful for the years we shared, the memories we created, and the love she gave.

-Jamie & Brent


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