Chewie was born May 18, 2013 and we brought him home July 12. Talk about an ornery puppy. Here's a video of him going toe-to-toe with a pepper plant! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Hi455QUmg If anything captures his spirit, it's this!
Chewie was everything to our family. He was protective, loving, and he was most definitely mom's shadow. He followed her around everywhere. It didn't matter if she was in the shower or doing laundry, he was always there. But he didn't just follow her around, he followed all of us around. We'd call him "dog under foot". He was once in the Circleville Pumpkin Show Pet Parade, and he was the biggest ham. With his head held high, he walked that parade like he owned it. When we bought our camper, he became our camping dog. And of course he loved it. Walks, food and fun. What else could a dog and his family want? He was an absolute stinker. If you weren't paying attention to him, he would grab something and shake it and run with it hoping you'd chase him around the house. All you had to say was, "Chew... bring it here." Then he'd slowly bring it over, drop it on your lap, and wait patiently for lots of love for finally listening to us. Lol. The only way he slept at night was in mom and dad's bed and under the covers. Mom would lie on her side and bend her legs and Chewie would curl up in a tiny ball and lie down in the bend of her legs and snuggle in. It was his sleeping spot. It also kept mom nice and warm on cold nights.
He was everything to our family, and he will be so missed. Time may ease the sharpness of the pain, but we will never forget the joy and love he brought to this family. And we will always be appreciative of his unconditional love.