Itsy Bitzy was always a tiny cat, never weighing more than 6 pounds. I got her from my vet when she was 6 weeks old. She had been caught in a trap and was mostly wild. Itsy Bitzy was afraid of everything and always hid when someone came to the house, however she usually slept with me and even though she got out twice, I was able to get her back, by placing food outside and listening for her meows. After her second excursion she never tried to escape again. Itsy Bitzy had several friends, including Slurpee and Spirit, fellow cat mates, and Duke who was also very wild when I got him. At 55 pounds, this high strung dog and my tiny cat played together! She also napped with him during the day. Itsy Bitzy outlived him and my next dog as well as her 26 year old step-sister Slurpee (she was already 5 when I got her). Sadly, Itsy Bitzy began to fail in March and by April my vet learned that she was in Stage 4 kidney failure. The last few weeks were tough as she lost interest in eating, despite the medicines and tempting her with every treat imaginable. She sat on my lap every time I sat and slept with me, a little closer than usual. She passed away peacefully on my lap, at the young age of 22, thanks to Kona's Loving Paws, Dr. Brookmyer. Poor Spirit spent several days looking for her but seems to be a little better now.
Itsy Bitzy will be missed. RIP Itsy Bitzy!
