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Oddie was 11 years old and one of the most loving dogs ever. Although he was a big, scary, tough looking guy, he was terrified of everything. It was what made him so endearing. As soon as it started sprinkling outside, he would start shaking. The bath tub was where he felt safest. Next to him is where everyone else felt safest. On February 16th, 2013, our parents woke us up telling us they wanted to get another dog. At the time we had an older dog and a younger dog who needed a playmate. We went to the shelter looking for a boxer. As we were waiting to meet the boxer, my mom found Oddie. As soon as she saw him, she fell in love. She sat down in front of his cage and wouldn’t move. We ended up not even meeting the boxer and meeting Oddie instead, who at the time was named Pluto. We all wanted to take him home immediately. He met our other dogs, and came home with us! From then, he was always a super playful and loving dog. He loved toys and running around outside. He jumped our 5 ft. fence too many times to count. Later on, we got another younger dog. Although unsure, they ended up being best friends. They played all day and drove us all crazy. We will long for the days of listening to them playing. When he was inside, he loved to sit on the couch propped up like an old man. He had his legs out and arm on the armrest. He watched TV with his family and loved every second. We will remember the days of Oddie playing in the yard, eating bones, and cuddling on the couch. We will miss him so much. We are so happy that he will be pain free and able to run free. He will never have to be scared about another storm again. We will think of you everyday, Oddie! Say Hi to Geddy, Butch and Chase for us!


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