Samwise was a playful, golden orange kitten who deeply loved his mother Charisma (an orange, white and black calico) and siblings: Frodo (cream-colored), Galadriel (peachy, white and grey calico), Stryder (two-toned grey in swirls and stripes) and tiny Yavanna (golden orange).
Sam and Yavanna were FIV positive so Nana adopted them. Sammy and Yavanna were very close. They played chase the ball, tag and romp through the house with mice.
Sammy boy is missed greatly, especially his loving head bumps. Sammy sleeps now and suffers no more—but he left his sweet nature behind to reside in our hearts. Sam has crossed the healing and health bridge to kitty Heaven. We will see you again some fine day, Samwise, our beloved kitty boy.
Love forever and always,
Yavanna, Nana and Charles.