On a cold evening on December 23, 2011 I walked into a local breeder’s house that had two litters of Weimaraner puppies up for adoption. The puppies were exploring the room when I walked in. One puppy with number 7 on its collar walked up to me and was checking out my shoes. I asked the breeder if it was a female pup and it was, so the choice was easy. I did not choose Stella Blue, she chose me that night. I drove her home holding her under my jacket to keep her warm and she captured our hearts that night.
For the next 12 years Stella Blue was there for all our milestones, comforted us in difficult times while we comforted her during thunderstorms, and brought endless joy, laughter, and some of our best memories.
Unfortunately the past year was difficult for her as her health began to decline. She battled through lupus and walking and standing became more and more difficult. She bravely battled her own failing body to still be a part of family life. But, no matter how hard it was for her to get around, she always found a way to make her way to anyone that came in with a bag of french fries or to the kitchen if someone took the whipped cream can out of the fridge and gently reminding them to pay their Stella tax.
After months of denial, we had to come to terms that it was time to make a difficult decision after seeing her daily struggle and her vet confirming it was probably time to ease her suffering. We knew we didn’t want to torture her with the anxiety of going to her vet’s office again. After searching several in-home services , we were immediately drawn to Kona’s Loving Paws. Dr Rikh came to our home and was absolutely amazing in comforting Stella and us during one of the most difficult times in our lives. She took her time and gave us all the time we needed to prepare. She also took some paw and nose prints. Faithful Companion returned our girl quickly in a beautiful box and paw imprint.
Stella’s passing has left an enormous hole in our lives. The house will never be the same without her loafing around on the couch or in the middle of the floor or without her nub wagging to greet us whenever we returned from an errand. We take comfort in giving her a dignified passing at home in her favorite spot in the couch and to be free from her suffering thanks to Dr Rikh. We miss you Stella Blue, the bestest of Skeebs.